Movement is medicine. Movement is healing.
Movement is medicine. Movement is healing.
Movement is medicine. Movement is healing. Movement is medicine. Movement is healing.
In today's world, corporate wellness isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for thriving organizations. Give your employees or residents the chance to recharge and refocus with a wellness program that’s proven to be successful. Whether it's a yoga session before work, a midday fitness break, or an evening relaxation session, prioritizing wellness leads to happier, healthier individuals and stronger communities. Create a ripple effect of positivity that extends beyond the walls of your organization and promotes a culture of well-being that not only boosts morale but also fosters a harmonious group dynamic. Give your well-deserving employees or beloved residents the opportunity to step away from their bustling lives and take a moment to build lifelong strength, mindfully flow and move with the rhythm of breath. Only to return with a rejuvenated, uplifted and refocused vibe.
Specializing in corporate wellness, Liv has experience facilitating successful programs for companies such as, Google, Jamestown Property Management, Levi’s Plaza, E3 Education, Bozzuto Luxury Apartments, Marin Women's Commission, and Creekside Social Events.
Liv knows exactly what you need to re-energize and boost your well-being to thrive. Liv brings a contagious energy, expert guidance, and a commitment to making every class a highlight of your day. Experience the best of both worlds with two diverse but cohesive offerings: Dive into a dynamic HIIT class infused with Pilates elements and classic strength training, as well as yoga sessions designed to enhance the mind-body connection through flowing movements synced with breath. Suitable for all levels, there is no prior experience required.