Movement is Medicine. Movement is Healing.

Movement is Medicine. Movement is Healing.


Liv’s methodical techniques, unique style, and processes are used in a meticulous manner to carefully curate sequences that are designed specifically for your personal growth, for your highest benefit, and for your overall enjoyment.

This revolutionary wellness experience entails an array of offerings and expertise. You’ll find your overall health to be enhanced through methodical and unique-to-you sessions that allow you to reach your fullest potential- not only physically, but mentally as well. Regular exercise and mindfulness practices offer many benefits. You’ll begin to notice your mood enhanced along with a sensation of being consistently uplifted. You’ll find you handle the unavoidable obstacles of life with a clear and more calm demeanor. Allowing you to experience a renewed sense of authentic and organic confidence and self-esteem as you actively witness your Body, Mind, and Spirit become stronger. 

F I T N E S S:

The fusion of high intensity interval training with Pilates is a cutting edge approach as it offers both the strength and flexibility benefits of Pilates with the cardio and fat-burning advantages of HIIT. This unique and comprehensive workout provides not just a physical workout, but a holistic approach that connects your Mind, Body, and Spirit to strengthen your entire being from the inside out. Whether you’re looking to take your fitness to the next level, or simply have some fun and move your body, you'll find that Liv’s fitness classes are challenging yet achievable for all-levels of fitness and leave you feeling deeply satisfied.

Y O G A:

The combination of conventional, yet new-age, sequences, individualized modifications and adjustments, alongside meaningful movement is the key to activating your highest Self and unlocking your greatest potential. This specific approach to teaching embodies the true spirit of yoga as an all-encompassing practice that promotes well-being, oneness, and continuous growth. Leading you into a deeper and more transformative experience of self discovery. More so, carve a path to inner-freedom, liberate your mind from limitations and achieve a sense of resilience, physical stamina, and a deep rooted sense of peace.

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